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Footpath clearance and new Jubilee tree - December 2023

Thanks to a mammoth effort by members of the village, SMAN17, the bridleway between Sutton Hill and the allotments, is now cleared of overhanging branches and ready to welcome walkers and riders. 

Beautiful weather and good company on 22nd November, spurred us on to clear the branches which had made the path very difficult for riders to use.  The branches and brush have been laid beside the path creating an edge to the path and a haven for wildlife.  We hope you will enjoy using this path.

We will continue our clearance of other paths in the parish in the new year.  Please contact the PC if you would like to help.


Betula Pendula Joungii tree
Replacement tree

Sadly the tree planted to commemorate the late Queen’s Jubilee didn’t survive the summer so the Parish Council have replaced it.

The ‘new’ tree, a betula pendula joungii arrived during the footpath clearing and was planted the following day on Thursday 23rd November.  A larger specimen, we hope this will be better able to survive the hungry deer and weather.

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