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Planning Application - The Old Rectory - Update

Updated: May 2

Parish Council Public Meeting (to consider this application):

Monday 22 Apr at 6.30pm

All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville

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PL/2024/01948: Full Planning Permission

THE OLD RECTORY, Rectory Road, Wiltshire, Sutton Mandeville, SP3 5NA

Change of use of agricultural land to residential for the formation of a new access with associated works.

Consultation deadline: 25 April 2024

Documents may be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website (link above).



DATE: 23 April 2024

STANCE: Support with conditions

COMMENT: SMPC support the proposal for a new service access to The Old Rectory in the interests of road safety and traffic management, as well as improved access for emergency services to the house should the need arise.

SMPC note that the area of pasture between the hedge and the proposed new track would be fenced off from the rest of the field. We would therefore  seek two conditions:

(1) That this area of land remains as agricultural.

Reason: To prevent the loss, albeit minor, of agricultural land in the parish.

To protect the land from future development for domestic or residential purposes. To clarify and avoid doubt that this change of use application refers only to the driveway itself.


(2) That there is no tarmac allowed on any part of the track, turning or parking areas except for in the gateway adjacent to the highway.

Reason: To prevent insidious urbanisation in the countryside


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