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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 26 Feb 2024

Ink pen nib writing



including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove

DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting of the Parish Council held at The Stalls on 26th February 2024 at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins (Chair), Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck (Vice-Chair), Cllr. M.Charlick, Cllr. Mrs. J. Green, Cllr. M. Howe, Mrs. J. Childs (Parish Clerk).

2 residents were present

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.


There were no apologies


The Chairman asked Councillors to note that he had spoken with a resident from Orchard Cottage, Sutton Row re ongoing development at site, and the owner of Sheepwell re: development at that site and also to the Walter Allotment Trust, item 9e on the Agenda. Cllr. Mrs. Green also had an interest in this item.

Cllr. Mrs Green had registered her interests on the WC website and advised that she could see no reference to the interests of other Councillors. The Clerk confirmed that such interests had been registered and would enquire.


There had been a written question about the use of SM8. The matter had been resolved immediately.

There had been complaints about the blocking of Sutton Row outside Orchard Cottage and the quantity of mud on the road, consequences of development at that site. The owner apologised. What had been estimated to be a 6 month project had extended to 18 months attributable to amendments to the original planning application, two wet autumns and winters and delays in supplies of materials and in the availability of road closure signage.

It was agreed that notice should be given of any road closure, one such was currently in force, and that a wider range of neighbouring property owners should be kept informed. It was believed that 20 mins was the maximum time for a road to be closed for any purpose without a formal application for a road closure.

The Chairman thanked the owner for her attendance.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS held on 27th November 2023 and 17th January 2024: These were signed as a true record.


The matter of the delivery of additional salt bags had not been resolved.

Councillors were unhappy about the requirement for Parish Councils to have to bear the costs of all local elections of Parish Councillors whether contested or uncontested. This would require a considerable rise in the precept for 2025 – 2026. Councillors requested Cllr Najjar be informed of their objection.


There was no report. The Chairman praised Cllr. Najjar’s recent suggestion that all WC events involving refreshment should make use of local Wiltshire produce and thanked him for this boost.

7. AREA BOARD /LOCAL HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS IMPROVEMENT GROUP The Clerk thanked Cllr. Mrs Green for her attendance at the recent LHFIG meeting and for raising the matter of the PC’s request for improvements to the descent of SM9 to Rectory Road.

These had first been requested by the Clerk on 14th July 2023, but the matter had never been included on the LHFIG agenda.

Cllr. Mrs Green was now in contact with the Officer concerned.


  • Four cheques were signed totalling £295.16.

  • Expenditure for the year 2023 - 2024 had remained in line with budget expectations. Sums reserved for pedestrian gates and HGV signage remained unspent.   

  • Finances remained sound for the current financial year, but as previously indicated the precept would need to rise for the following year.


  • RIGHTS OF WAY - Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck had reported that latches on 2 of the new pedestrian gates were not working and thus not stockproof. These had been fixed. She had been in contact with Fovant Parish Council about the possibility of clearing the byway SMAN4 /FOV9 which is overgrown. It was hoped that residents of Fovant and Sutton Mandeville would work together to improve the path.

  • NOTICE BOARDS - It was agreed that the notice board at The Compasses remained difficult to open and keep closed. The notice board at Lower Chicksgrove was in perfect working order.

  • THE PARISH STEWARD - was next scheduled to visit on 25th and 29th April

  • THE DISCRETIONARY GULLY EMPTYING SERVICE - requests could be made for the clearing of blocked drains under this new scheme which was introduced on Feb. 5th. Sutton Mandeville was listed among a group of PCs in SW Wilts to be visited in the 18th week of the scheme. PCs would be asked for a list of drains requiring attention. Councillors welcomed the scheme. Councillors thanked all residents who kept clear those drains nearest to their properties.

  • THE WALTER ALLOTMENT TRUST - the Chairman reported that the Trust had scheduled tree cutting for the diseased trees in the wildlife area adjacent to the allotments. An appeal for donations had been launched and contact would be made with the Cranbourne Chase AONB for advice on future development and conservation.



Cllr. Charlick had nothing to add. This was the PCs most useful tool in passing on valuable information. All residents were advised to subscribe to the website mailing list if possible.


The matter of road blocking and muddy road surface had been dealt with in item 3 (public questions) above.

In response to Cllr. Mrs. Green’s concerns raised on behalf of walkers and AONB members re: Sheepwell, the Chairman confirmed that an ecologist’s report had been received and that a retrospective planning application would be submitted. It was believed there would be no electric lighting at the new barn.

Retrospective Planning for the units at Ham Cross had been approved. Councillors were pleased to note that some conditions had been applied limiting further development of the buildings and noting the request from the PC that vegetation be kept clear of the fence at the junction of the C24 with the road to Fovant (Ham Cross).


Shortage of time prevented any discussion of the Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan currently out for consultation.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: No further business.


The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on the Monday April 29th 2024 at 7.30 pm in All Saints Church and the next Parish Council Meeting on 20th May at 7pm in the same location.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.


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