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Working Picnics - The Sutton Badges

Sutton Mandeville Heritage Trust (SMHT) is planning two Working Picnics to kick off its 2022 programme of looking after the Sutton Badges.

The first Working Picnic will be on next Saturday, 30th April; the second will be on Saturday 21st May.

Strimming the Shiny 7th badge in 2019

We would like the badges to be looking smart in time for the Platinum Jubilee, so we would very much appreciate people’s help with strimming the grass around the badges and weeding the chalk surfaces.

If you would like to join us (or have any questions), please email and we’ll provide further details, including where to meet:

Each Working Picnic will start at 1000. We usually have lunch at about 1230 and carry on until 1500-1530 to be away by 1600. You are welcome to join us for all or part of the day.

Please wear suitable clothing, including gloves and (sun) hats, and bring something to drink and eat.

If you know of anyone who might like to join us then please feel free to bring them along, but please let us know in advance so we know how many people to expect.

Antony Firth

Sutton Mandeville Heritage Trust

More information and historical context:



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