Come along and join in discussions at the next South West Wiltshire Area Board meeting at the Castle Meadow Pavilion in Wilton.

Wednesday, 14th December 2022
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Castle Meadow Pavilion, Castle Lane, Wilton, Salisbury, SP2 0HG
Gather with other local residents, parish councillors and community partners.
Join in the discussions and share your points of view on Policing priorities, Cost of Living, Warm Spaces and EV charger scheme.
Hear an update from the Wilton Men’s Shed.
Find out more about the Area Board’s local priorities and work.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes
5. Chairman's Announcements
6. Partner and Community Updates
7. Police Update
8. Community Area Work Plan and Priorities
9. EV Charger Grants for Town & Parish Councils: Guidance, Application and Presentations
10. Cost of Living and Warm Spaces
11. Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)
12. Area Board Funding
13. Close
To see the publicly available information, follow the link: Agenda Details
For more information please contact:-
Email: or Tel: 01722 434697
What is an Area Board?
Area boards exist to work alongside other organisations to make things happen in the community. These groups can include town and parish councils, voluntary and community groups, youth organisations, sports clubs and local charities.
Area Boards are a way to bring local decision making into the heart of the community, not like old-fashioned council meetings, but with lots of opportunities for local people to get involved.
Meetings take place in each community area and between these meetings different task groups consisting of local people, Wiltshire Council staff and councillors tackle local issues and find solutions to meet local priorities.
An important role of the area boards is to provide grants to community groups via three separate funding schemes.
Youth funding allocated in partnership with local youth networks helping to provide positive activities for young people in the target age range of 13-19.
Health and Wellbeing groups help to award funding for services that support older or vulnerable people from our communities.
Capital funding for local groups, helping to purchase equipment, assets, refurbish existing buildings or build new ones.
More information and next meeting dates can be found here: