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Planning Application - The Stalls - Licence Update

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Parish Council Public Meeting (to consider this application):

Monday 3 July 2023 at 6.00pm

All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville



Application - Removal /Variation of Conditions

Manor Farm Productions Ltd, Manor Farm, Sutton Mandeville SP3 5NL

Variation of Condition 5* of PL/2022/08026 (Change of use from B1 to café (Class E) of The Stalls and terrace. (Retrospective.))

*Condition 5 of permission granted by Decision Notice dated 3/1/2023 reads:

5 (i) No activities associated with the uses hereby approved shall take place on-site and no deliveries shall be taken to or collections made from the site other than between the hours of 07:00hrs and 19:00hrs (Monday to Sunday).

Description by applicant:

Our current condition means we cannot accept rubbish collection or deliveries from wholesalers prior to 7am, we cannot have staff onsite outside of these hours. We would like the opportunity to develop our business in the future, we also need to ensure we have the scope to remain viable as a business. We would like to be able to host private events such as charity dinners in the evenings. We employ a large team from the local community and we very much want our cafe to remain a hub for the community, however with rising costs we need to be able to source the opportunity for additional income outside of our cafe hours to ensure we can afford to remain open.

How the applicant would like the (current) condition to be varied:

No activities associated with the uses hereby approved shall take place on-site and no deliveries shall be taken to or collections made from the site other than between the hours of 05:00hrs and 0000hrs (Monday to Sunday). Activities between the hours of 2100 and 0000 will be limited to no more that 24 times per year.

Case Officer: Becky Jones

Consultation deadline: 10 July 2023

Documents available to view on the Council website (link above).



DATE: 6 July 2023

STANCE: Support

COMMENT: Following a public meeting held on 3rd July to discuss this application, SMPC determined to support this application, recognizing how the venue has proved to be a highly popular community hub. As a meeting place, events venue and very well presented cafe, The Stalls is a valuable asset to the parish, and would clearly benefit from extending opening hours.



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