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Planning Application - Chicksgrove Manor Barns - Update

Parish Council Public Meeting (to consider this application):

Wednesday 21 Sep at 7.00pm

All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville


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PL/2022/06406: Full Planning Permission

BARNS TO THE NORTH OF CHICKSGROVE MANOR, Chicksgrove Road, Tisbury, SP3 6NA - Tremlett /North Kent Farms

Demolition of an existing modern agricultural barn, the conversion of two redundant traditional agricultural barns into two dwellings with associated residential curtilages, a new access and associated hard and soft landscaping.

Case Officer: Lynda King 05/10/22

Consultation deadline: 5 October 2022

Supporting documents may be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website.

See previous 2018 application (expired):

18/09532/FUL: Full Planning Permission

CHICKSGROVE MANOR Chicksgrove Road, Tisbury, SP3 6NA

- Mr & Mrs John Tremlett

Conversion of 2 barns in Upper Yard into holiday lets.

Demolition of large modern open barn

Legacy Officer Decision: 04/12/2018





Sutton Mandeville Parish Council broadly supported the 2018 proposal 18/09532/FUL for conversion of these two barns into holiday lets. At the time, there appeared to be little local opposition and the PC recognised the benefits of tourism to the rural economy.

The current application PL/2022/06406 seeks to convert the same barns to residential dwellings, which would bring no benefit in terms of tourism.

• It would be useful to consider the Stone Barn and the Wood Barn separately, because of their position, existing construction and inherent characteristics.

• Overall, the PC thinks that there is more justification for the restoration of the Stone Barn on the basis that it will maintain a heritage asset that will otherwise be redundant. However, there are concerns about the amount of glazing in the proposed design and light that would emit in the AONB area of Dark Skies. There is a potential issue of light pollution.

• The Wood Barn has limited use as an agricultural building although the exterior stone wall and timber cladding suggests a restored traditional barn. The proposed structure would have little space for garden or outdoor areas within its curtilage, possibly too restricted for a residential dwelling house of this size. The effect is over-development of the site.

• The addition of two houses on this site would take away from the rural character of the historic farmyard. The PC nonetheless recognises that there is some development potential on the site.

Neighbours Views - the majority of the public comments came from near or immediate neighbours to the property. The main points raised were:

  • Concerns about the scale of the properties being proposed for a relatively small site.

  • Construction access and disturbance caused by the planned works to the property.

  • Concern about the state of the lane that accesses the property and how much worse this could become with heavy site traffic and future traffic movements

  • Increased light pollution from outdoor/security lights as well as the amount of glazing on the stone barn.

  • A general feeling that holiday lets would be more suitable, but no one was categorical about this.

  • This proposal does not address the housing need in the area.

The PC noted a distinct resistance to these proposals in 2022 within the parish and therefore cannot support this application in its present form.



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