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PCC seeks residents views on investment in policing services in Wiltshire

Residents are being urged to use their voice and tell the Police and Crime Commissioner how they feel about policing in their communities, what Wiltshire Police should be prioritising and how the policing budget should be spent next year.

The Policing, Priorities and Pounds survey, launched today, seeks the views of residents and stakeholders as PCC Philip Wilkinson develops the budget for policing and commissioned services for the next financial year (2024/25).

As part of the survey respondents will be asked whether their household would be prepared to invest more in policing through the police precept, a part of their council tax.

Mr Wilkinson said:

“As your Police and Crime Commissioner, it is my job to ensure Wiltshire Police have the necessary resources to fight and prevent crime, improve visibility and improve the service you receive – answering 101 and 999 when you call, responding when you need help, protecting vulnerable people and Making Wiltshire

“We are seeing improvements being made by Wiltshire Police in its delivery of the policing service that residents rightly expect - and deserve – but there is ever more work to do in order that you see, and feel, those improvements too.

“The Chief Constable has already identified reviewing how frontline policing services are delivered alongside a greater emphasis on strategic planning at senior level and investing in that capability, will continue to deliver long-term, sustainable, improvements for the Force. She has also been very clear with me that further investment is required in these areas.

“It is also apparent from residents’ feedback – heard by both myself and the Chief Constable throughout our varying public engagements this year – you are still not seeing improvements in police service delivery as quickly as you would like and this feedback, alongside the clear picture from the Force, forms the backdrop to my budget planning this year.

“As PCC, it is vital that I look at the totality of policing and the police budget – and ensure the Force has an efficient, effective, police service but also that we are not cutting services at a time when we need to invest more to improve service delivery.”

Wiltshire Police’s budget is set by the PCC, based upon the operational policing advice from the Chief Constable, and informed by consultation with residents and stakeholders. 

The budget is made up of centralised government funding from the Home Office and locally from the police precept part of your council tax. Wiltshire Police is constantly challenged by the fact it is one of the lowest-funded Forces nationally, per head of population, and the PCC continues to push for change and for review of the national funding formula.

However, it is the responsibility of the PCC to ensure Wiltshire Police has the necessary resources to fight, and prevent, crime and enable the Force with the right resources, equipment and estate to make it future fit and further protect Wiltshire’s residents.

Mr Wilkinson added:

“The Cost of Living crisis is squeezing all financial elements for families, businesses and the public sector, alike, so any increase to the precept I know will be felt keenly but we have a clear opportunity to transform Wiltshire Police for the better and I am asking for the public to use their voice and have their say.

“I have already committed to a new southern policing hub for the county and that pledge to deliver this continues and there are further plans to invest in our policing estate which we will announce shortly. Both the Chief Constable and I are committed to delivering a policing service which is able to meet an ever-changing crime picture and is fit for the future too.”

The survey runs from 5 December 2023 until 29 January 2024 and can be accessed via this link:



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