MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held on 9th September 2019 in Sutton Mandeville Parish Church at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher,
IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr. Mrs. J. Green WC, Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk
1. APOLOGIES: Cllr. Mrs. K. Billing had sent her apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher declared an interest in agenda item 5.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: Cllr. Thatcher had received a number of comments from residents about the speed of vehicles along Sutton Hill between A30 and Lagpond Lane. It seemed the sign requesting driving with care in Sutton Mandeville was being ignored in some cases.
It was noted that the sign indicating narrow road at the eastern end of Lagpond Lane by Lagpond Lodge required reinstating.
There had been requests for the removal of the skid risk signs in Sutton Row. In the forthcoming absence of the Clerk Cllr. Mrs. J. Green WC agreed to inform Highways. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Green for her assistance.
4.MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 16th MAY 2019: These were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
5. MATTERS ARISING: Cllr. Mrs. Thatcher had raised £250 of the required Parish Council contribution towards the cost of horses crossing signage on the A30. The Chairman praised this excellent effort and asked that thanks be recorded to all those who contributed. He further expressed his thanks to Swallowcliffe Parish Council for their willingness to make a contribution proportionate to that of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council.
The Chairman confirmed that the refurbishment of the Compasses notice board had been carried out. There remained a problem with the lock which would be rectified.
Cllr. Firth agreed to look at the problem of damp in the notice board in Chicksgrove. Expenditure of up to £100 was approved for work required. The notice board next to The Homestead, opposite Church Farm, would also require some maintenance.
Cllr. Mrs. J. Green noted that Salisbury would be the first city to receive high speed fibre broadband throughout. This would be of huge benefit to businesses, 20,000 households and hospitals. Both Salisbury and Trowbridge were under consideration for additional government funding.
Development plans for The Maltings were due to be heard imminently.
Fly tipping was being rigorously enforced with fixed penalty notices issued immediately as was the theft of metal from Church roofs. All metal dealers were required to have a licence.
WC was also up to speed in enforcing animal welfare regulations in the 270 breeding establishments across Wiltshire. Breeders were restricted to 3 litters per year.
The Area Board meeting to be held at the Nadder Centre on 18th September would focus on AONB projects. The AONB worked in partnership with WC and a wide range of projects would be discussed.
Ansty had won the best kept small village competition.
A meeting of Dementia Champions was to be held at Broadchalke. All were welcome.
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Green for her report.
Cllr. Firth asked if there was any further news of improved broadband speeds for rural areas. Cllr. Mrs. Green stated that new government funding would become available.
7. FINANCE: a) 4 cheques totalling £267.63 were due for signing. The Clerk was without the cheque book and arrangements were made for signatures the following morning.
b) Expenditure remained in line with budget.
a) Highway matters: Councillors were grateful to the landowner for trimming vegetation within the boundary fence at the Fovant turn.
It was regretted that traffic was reported to be very fast between the A30 AND Sutton Hill. The Clerk would seek advice from CATG
b) ROW's: Since receipt of a number of complaints from walkers and visitors to the parish further advice on the responsibilities of both WC and landowners has been obtained and is displayed on notice boards within the parish.
An alternative route was provided to the footpaths across the maize fields adjacent to Mill Lane which had been available in previous years.
The Chairman agreed to speak with landowners regarding trees down or obstructing paths in Whitmarsh Wood.
c) Litter picking: Councillors agreed that litter picking and the use of equipment made available by WC would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting when Cllr. Mrs. Billings would be present.
9. PLANNING: Planning applications had been straightforward and approved at planning meetings.
10. CORRESPONDENCE: The Chairman suggested that St John Ambulance could provide assistance and advice on the provision of defibrillators in our widely dispersed rural area.
It was hoped that the question of the value of provision of defibrillators might be taken forward at the next Parish Council meeting with the help of a volunteer defibrillator coordinator.
11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Cllr. Firth reported on the Open Day held by SMHT which had been highly successful having been attended by re enactors from the Royal Warwicks and the Royal Field Artillery. Supporters of the Fovant Badges Society had been present as well as the Map of Australia Trust. Thanks were extended to Cllr. Green for the use of the field and to Seeds4Success.
12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
The next meeting of the Parish Council would take place on Monday November 18th 2019 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville. All would be welcome. A proposed budget would be discussed and the precept provisionally set.