including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove
DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting of the Parish Council held at The Stalls on 27th November 2023 at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins (Chair), Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck (Vice-Chair), Cllr. M.Charlick Cllr. Mrs. J. Green,
Wiltshire Cllr. N. Najjar WC was present for the first part of the meeting.
4 residents were present
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
1. APOLOGIES: Apologies had been received from Cllr. M. Howe
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: There had been an e mail from a resident who had written to WC Highways requesting a reduction in the speed limit along the A30 between RV Maidment and Manor Farm to 50mph. She noted that traffic had increased, that a coffee shop/restaurant had been opened, farm animals crossed the road. A similar request had been made a few years earlier but it had been refused on the grounds that the most recent traffic survey at that time had indicated that it was not warranted. Councillors supported the new request which was noted by Cllr. Najjar who would discuss it with Highways at the Area Board the following evening. Councillors would be happy to follow any advice he offered.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held on 11th September 2023: These were signed as a true record.
5. MATTERS ARISING: Councillors were delighted to coopt Cllr. Mrs J. Green to the Parish Council, proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr. Charlick. Cllr. Mrs. Green was formally welcomed by all.
There had been no response from Chilmark Estates to the Parish Council’s request that the grass and vegetation close to the fenced area at the Ham Cross Corner be kept trimmed and the brush and undergrowth removed from the fence meshing. However, it was noted that the Parish Steward was doing his very best to keep this sightline clear for all road users.
The Clerk was asked to write to PEAS stating that it was felt that it should not be the job of Councillors to collect and distribute bags of salt and grit. The Parish Council had now been informed that these manageable sized bags were intended as top ups which may be used on local vulnerable areas, eg Church path.
Cllr. Najjar welcomed Cllr. Mrs Green to the Parish Council.
The consultation concerning the WC Local Plan, the Housing Development Framework, about new development, the number of houses proposed and where they were to be built, would close shortly. The number of proposed new houses had been reduced. Sutton Mandeville fell within the Small Villages Scheme and Cllr Najjar advised Councillors to read this carefully.
He confirmed that WC was not in financial difficulty as were other Councils. The budget for the new financial year would increase in line with inflation. He believed WC delivered value for money.
The upcoming Area Board was Highways themed. All were invited to attend. The Area Board continued to support local projects including footpath improvements. Requests for assistance for finger post repairs should now be addressed to LHFIG. A 25% contribution for works delivered was required from the Parish Council.
The Wiltshire Trails website for cyclists, riders and walkers had been introduced and it was hoped the SW Area would soon be included. Cllr Najjar requested that any local gems be sent to him.
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Najjar for his attendance and report.
The Clerk had attended the LHFIG meeting held on November 15th.
HGV signage was now in place at the junction of Sutton Hill with the A30 and at Glasses Lane at its junction with the A30.
The request for improvement to SMAN9 had not been included on the agenda, the Clerk would resend this request.
The Group had spent all funds.
The annual grass cut of verges was well underway. There was now only one cut a year, in the autumn.
With the onset of winter weather the number of potholes reported had greatly increased.
4 cheques were signed totalling £454.00
Expenditure for the year 2022 - 2023 had remained in line with budget expectations. Sums reserved for pedestrian gates and HGV signage remained unspent.
The budget for the financial year 2024 – 2025 was discussed. Reserves were felt to be good. Invoices for pedestrian gates and HGV signs were anticipated. The budget for the website required additional money and it was noted that the contingency reserve would include funds for increased payment of future clerks.
The precept for the financial year 2024 – 2025 was provisionally set at £2200
Rights of Way: Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck thanked all volunteer residents who had helped to cut and clear overhanging branches from SMAN17.
Notice Boards: It was agreed that the notice board at The Compasses required attention.
10. PARISH WEBSITE: Cllr. Charlick reported that there were now 55 subscribers to the website. He had noted that 60% of emails sent out to advise of new articles had been opened. It was a most useful tool in passing on valuable information. All residents were advised to subscribe to the website mailing list if possible.
11. PLANNING: In response to a question from the Clerk Cllr. Najjar had indicated that he had been asked whether or not he still wished to refer the retrospective re application from Chilmark Estates for storage at Ham Cross and the Engine Shed for retention. He implied that it would be approved anyway and therefore he had withdrawn the retention. He did not state whether neighbouring Parish Councils had also been informed.
The Clerk had received a number of concerns about the blocking of Sutton Row by large vehicles carrying out works. Councillors agreed that they would consider this point in future applications for works in this very narrow lane with so few turning places. The Chairman proposed residential developments in Sutton Row should have a works vehicle management plan to avoid drivers becoming needlessly stuck.
The Chairman wished to discuss reports to the Parish Council of suspected breaches of planning regulations but time was limited. The issue would be deferred to the next meeting.
12. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no additional correspondence.
13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck reported that she and the Chairman had planted a new, more mature tree, a Betula, pendula “Youngii” to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee thus replacing one which had died. The original young reserve tree was transferred to a new location to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles.
15. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next Parish Council Meeting would take place on the Monday February 26th 2024 at 7.30 pm at The Stalls.
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.