MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held on 25th November 2019 in Sutton Mandeville Parish Church at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher, Cllr. K. Billing
2 residents were also present
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk
1. APOLOGIES: Cllr. Mrs. J. Green, WC, had sent her apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: Concern had been expressed about potholes in Sutton Row and Glasses Lane. These had been reported to the Parish Steward. It was felt that one section of Sutton Hill required resurfacing. Comments about mud on the road had been noted.
No complaints had been expressed about ongoing work in Sutton Row.
The notice board at Chicksgrove had let in water and required attention.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 9th September 2019: These were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
Defibrillators: The Clerk reported that in response to an enquiry St John Ambulance believed that a defibrillator should be applied within 8 minutes to secure the best outcome. A resident suggested 4 minutes would be better. It was felt that provision of access to a defibrillator for all residents within the optimum time limits would not be possible and Councillors decided the matter would no longer be pursued unless strong feeling on the part of residents suggested otherwise. Councillors would fully support any group of residents willing to fund raise and work towards the provision of defibrillators across the parish.
Wiltshire Councillors Report: Cllr. Mrs. Green had sent a written report, common to all parishes within the ward, which would be published in Three Towers as well as attached to notice boards.
CATG: The Clerk reported that the horse warning signs for the A30 were at the depot awaiting installation.
7. FINANCE: a) 3 cheques totalling £207.04 were signed. No VAT had been payable.
b) Expenditure remained in line with budget. £200 in total had been drawn from reserved funding allocated for notice board refurbishment to meet costs for repair of 2 of the 3 notice boards.
c) Following discussions about the projected budget for the financial year 2000 - 2021 Councillors agreed a precept of £1600 for the new financial, the same figure as for the current financial year.
a) Highway matters: Cllr. Billing was concerned about the pooling of water across the road on the bend near the bridge at Panters. She would report this on the Wiltshire app. There had also been pooling of water at the side of the road past the bend at Chicksgrove. It was hoped this was a temporary inconvenience due to building work. This would also be reported if icy conditions threatened.
b) ROW's: Post the meeting the Clerk was informed that once more the Tisbury group had removed trees from SM29. Cllr. Mrs Thatcher would also take up the matter of a fallen tree across an ROW.
c) Litter picking: Cllr. Billing explained that she had black plastic bags, hoops, litter pickers and a sweeping brush available for the use of litter pickers. The Chairman again thanked all who collected litter throughout the year. He wondered whether it would be possible to divide the parish into zones with volunteers for each sector. Cllr. Mrs. Billing agreed to think about how best to coordinate litter picking.
9. PLANNING: A planning meeting had been held in November. Site meetings were fixed and a date for a planning meeting then arranged.
10. CORRESPONDENCE: No further correspondence was reported.
11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.
12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting of the Parish Council would take place on Monday February 24th 2020 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville. All welcome.