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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 21 Nov 2022

Updated: Dec 2, 2022



including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove

DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting held on 21st November 2022 at 7.30pm at The Stalls - subject to later approval by Councillors.

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins Chair, Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck Vice - Chair, Cllr. Mrs. C. Cartwright, Cllr. N. Najjar WC, Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

2 residents were present

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

1. APOLOGIES: had been received from Cllr. M. Charlick, Cllr. M. Howe

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: A resident reminded Councillors that he believed an area of hard standing had been established on agricultural land without either request for change of use or planning permission. The spokesperson on behalf of the landholder believed that the hardstanding was permissible in view of the muddy and waterlogged terrain and for agricultural purposes. Whilst not exclusively for agricultural parking, the trailer and shed for equipment were in regular use. Cllr. Najjar agreed to raise the query with the Planning Office and asked the Clerk to let him have details of the precise location of the hardstanding and field concerned.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Najjar for his intervention.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 21st September 2022: These were signed as a true record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: Enquiries had revealed that WC had no record of any schedule to repairs potholes in Panters Road.

Overhanging trees in Glasses Lane believed to be in danger of causing damage to cables had been deemed too dangerous to trim and the matter had been reported to BT by one landowner.

All other matters would be addressed as agenda items.

6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Najjar stated that the recent political changes had made planning difficult for Wiltshire Council. Clarity would be required about Central Government funding to local councils before WC could tackle the difficult decisions to be made with regard to its own spending on vulnerable adults and children and roads which would remain priorities. In addition Cllr. Najjar stated he wished to see continued improvements in local highways and footpaths and that he supported environmental concerns and improvements and help for refugees from Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan.

Cllr. Najjar reported that he had been pleased that the application for development at Tisbury Station Yard had been unanimously refused at the recent Southern Area Planning Committee, which he saw as a victory for local democracy. The developers had appealed to the Planning Inspectorate on the grounds that a decision from WC had been overdue. The decision of the Inspectorate was now awaited. Cllr. Najjar had noted the concerns about increased traffic and road conditions within the local parishes.

The Chairman asked whether WC had any intention of offering subsidised public transport to adults other than pensioners in an effort to reduce car use and to make rural living more sustainable. Cllr. Najjar agreed that public transport in rural Wiltshire was a long term problem which required improvement and added that the Local Plan due next year would include anticipated growth and sustainability within those areas.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Najjar for his attendance.

7. AREA BOARD/LOCAL HIGHWAYS & FOOTWAYS IMPROVEMENT GROUP (LHFIG - EX CATG): The next meeting of the Area Board would take place on 14th December at the Wilton Community Centre.

There had been no meeting of the Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group. HGV signage was still awaited.


  • Three cheques were signed totalling £304.20

  • Expenditure for the year 2022 - 2023 had remained in line with budget expectations

  • Councillors discussed budgeting for the financial year 2023 – 2024 and resolved to set the precept at £2,220, a reduction of £255 on the precept for the current financial year.


  • RIGHTS OF WAY (ROWs): Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright regretted that because of the wet conditions the pedestrian gates were unlikely to be fitted until the Spring. She was continuing to distribute way marker signs to landowners who requested them. Councillors thanked Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright for her work.

  • NOTICE BOARDS: no comment required.

  • FINGERPOSTS: Mr. Wilson was undertaking a survey of the state of all finger posts within the parish. That at Ham Cross was particularly in need of repair. Councillors expressed thanks and would be grateful to receive Mr. Wilson’s comments on work required.

  • The Chairman proposed that the future of ALL SAINTS CHURCH should be included as a further agenda item under Chair’s Nominated Items. The PCC would keep the Parish Council informed. The Bishop would be present at All Saints on the second Sunday in December.

10. PARISH WEBSITE: The Chairman thanked Cllr. Charlick in his absence for his terms of reference for the parish website, circulated to Councillors, which included informative articles about parish events and concerns. Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck suggested these too might be included on the website for the benefit of all residents.


  • WC had approved recent applications at The Compasses.

  • The application at the Chilmark Estate by Ham Cross had been called in and would be discussed at a future Southern Area Planning Meeting.

  • Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright agreed to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss the problems on the approach roads to Tisbury to further inform the decision to be taken by the Inspectorate on the proposed development at Station Yard, Tisbury. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Cartwright for representing SMPC.

12. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no additional correspondence.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.

14. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The date of the next Parish Council meeting would be on the 13th February 2023 at 7.30 pm at The Stalls.

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm


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