MINUTES to record essential business pertaining to Sutton Mandeville Parish Council arranged for 16th November 2020 but conducted remotely by email due to current lockdown - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. K. Billing, Cllr. Mrs P. Thatcher - all Councillors aware of agenda items
Cllr. Mrs J. Green WC. Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk
1. APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: No concerns had been raised with the Clerk. Subsequent to the meeting and following a fatal accident on the A30, within the parish Cllr. Mrs. Thatcher, Cllr. Mrs Billing and Cllr. Green asked that the Clerk contact Wiltshire Highways to request speed limits on that stretch of road. Cllr. Firth added that double white lines to prevent overtaking could be an additional valuable safety measure. The Chairman reminded Councillors that the Parish Council had previously raised the matter but that it had been considered by Highways that the in date traffic survey had not warranted action. The Clerk would take the matter forward.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 27th July 2020: These had been circulated but would be signed by the Chairman at the next meeting.
5. MATTERS ARISING: No matters raised.
Cllr. Mrs. Green advised that the next Full Council to be held later in the month would include the Local Government Boundary Review.
WC investment had contributed to fibre upgrade for commercially non viable premises.
Covid19 had had a huge impact in Wiltshire - 12,500 on unemployment pay, with 2,400 under 24 years of age. The Government has contributed to long term accommodation for rough sleepers and to support those in isolation.
WC had responded to the Government's White Paper on Planning for the Future. Concern was expressed about the 1m houses across the UK that have permission but remain unbuilt. The White Paper had proposed increasing housing numbers in Wiltshire from 42 to 56 thousand.
The South West Wilts. Area Board: At the meeting on 11th November possible priorities for the next 3 - 5 years began to emerge. Cllr. Mrs. Green hoped that all would respond to e mails asking for opinions - PCs, businesses, organisations and residents.
The 24 Support Groups have worked magnificently during the pandemic and Cllr. Mrs. Green offered sincere thanks to all volunteers.
7. FINANCE: a) Arrangements were made for 2 cheques totalling £209.28 to be signed.
b) Expenditure was in line with budget expectations
c) A provisional budget had been circulated to Councillors
d) The precept for the financial year 2021 - 2022 would be set to meet WC deadlines.
a) The Lord Lieutenant had sent a card to the parish thanking volunteers for support given to the community
b) ROWs: Notification had been given to the change to the definitive map linking SMAN21 and SMAN22. Councillors expressed thanks and reiterated their appreciation of all projects improving footpaths
c) The results of the salt bin audit had been reported to WC
9. PARISH WEBSITE: Grateful thanks were extended to Cllr. Mrs Billing and Cllr. Green for ensuring that the parish website was up and running once more.
10. PLANNING: 4 planning applications were under consideration.
11. CORRESPONDENCE: Councillors reiterated Cllr. Mrs. Green's request that all should respond to Area Board surveys about priorities for our area.
12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.
The next meeting of the Parish Council would take place at a DATE TBC