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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 28 June 2021


MINUTES of the First Meeting of the Council held on Monday 28th June 2021 in the Church

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. K.Clutterbuck, Cllr. M. Howes

Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

2 residents were present

Cllr. Hugh Collins welcomed all to the meeting

1. APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: A question was asked about planning meetings. Cllr. Collins stated these would continue to be held in public following site visits by Councillors. This would become easier as Covid restrictions lifted.

Speed of vehicles along Chicksgrove Road and other lanes within the parish had been reported to the Clerk as had concerns about the impact of a proposed development at Station Yard Tisbury on volume of traffic carried on local roads. The Clerk was asked to circulate details to Councillors.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 26th April 2021: Agreed as accurate and signed by the Chairman.

5. MATTERS ARISING: Councillors would request Unsuitable for HGV signs at the junction of Glasses Lane with the A30 and similarly at Sutton Road with the A30.

6. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR : Cllr. Collins was elected as Chair, proposed by Cllr. Clutterbuck and seconded by Cllr. Howes; Cllr. Clutterbuck was elected as Vice Chair, proposed by Cllr. Collins and seconded by Cllr. Howes. Acceptance of Office Forms were signed.


Planning: the Chairman would lead

ROW's : Cllr. Clutterbuck would lead

Parish website: Cllr. Howes would lead

The Clerk would continue to complete issue sheets for the Parish Steward. Any tasks for the Steward should be reported to the Clerk.

8. PROCEDURES: Arrangements were made for completion of Declaration of Interest forms, planning applications, cheque signing. Enquiries at the bank had indicated that removal and addition of signatories would take 3 months. Existing signatories would be able to sign until completion of the process.

9 . PARISH WEBSITE: Cllr. Howes had been impressed by the parish website and would now investigate making it possible to increase its provision and usage.

10. CO OPTION OF TWO COUNCILLORS: There were now 2 vacancies on the council which could be filled by residents willing to be co opted. The aim would be to make the council as representative of all parts of the parish as possible. The vacancies would be advertised promptly.

11. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS: Councillors agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would take place on August 9th at 7pm in the Church with all precautions in place observed. Councillors would welcome all to the meeting.


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