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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 27 July 2020


MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held at 7.30pm on 27th July 2020 at All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville - subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. K. Billing, Cllr. Mrs P. Thatcher

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr. Mrs J. Green WC. Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

1. APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: Concerns had been raised about large HGVs becoming stuck in Sutton Row, Lagpond Lane and Sutton Hill. This had been raised with Wiltshire Highways in the past when request for additional signage indicating the unsuitability of these roads for large vehicles had been turned down on the grounds that existing signage and the lack of any signage through the parish from major roads had been sufficient. Councillors determined that the issue should once again be referred to WC as should the late warning of height restrictions for the railway bridge on the road to Fovant from Ham Cross.

No repairs had been carried out to the notice board at Chicksgrove and the Clerk had noted some flaking paintwork on the board at The Compasses Inn.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 24th February 2020 and 11th May 2020: These had been circulated, were agreed to be an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

5. MATTERS ARISING: No matters were raised.

6. CONFIRMATION OF OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES: These would remain as allocated last year and indicated in the minutes for the meeting in May.

Cllr. Collins - Chair and Planning

Cllr. Firth - Vice Chair and Financial Oversight

Cllr. Green - Parish Website, Highways

Cllr. Thatcher - ROW

Cllr. Billing - Litter Pick, Highways, Administrative Oversight

7. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Mrs. Green noted changes to the structure of WC now with a single CEO and a reduced number of Cabinet members. The much reported overspend by WC had been erroneously reported and the additional spend resulting from Covid 19 now stood at £36m, reduced by receipt of additional funding from Government. WC's way of doing business involved remote meetings including Full Council which residents had been able to join online.

Verges had been cut, essential to control hogweed a suppressor of other wayside flowers. Cllr. Mrs Green reminded Councillors that the Parish Council had the right to apply for land not to be cut but not where road safety could be endangered.

The consultation on library reopening remained open.

Area Board boundaries had been reviewed. These would affect the SW Area Board.

The Covid 19 pandemic had emphasised the value of support networks which WC believed had added to community cohesion.

Wiltshire Online had been instrumental in opening more rural areas to broadband. OpenReach coverage for much of Sutton Mandeville was anticipated.

Cllr. Firth was hopeful that it would be installed before the end of the year.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Green for her support.

8. FINANCE: a) Arrangements were made for 3 cheques totalling £219.28 to be signed.

b) It was agreed that the Chairman would sign the Annual Statement of Governance previously circulated.

c) Councillors wished to record thanks to Anna Huke for completing the internal audit of accounts.

d) The Chairman signed the Annual Statement of Accounts. The period for the exercise of Electors' Rights would begin on Friday 31st July.


a) Sutton Mandeville and Fovant Community Support Groups: Councillors thanked both groups for their support of the whole parish during the current pandemic which had been invaluable. It was acknowledged that a great deal of work had been involved in setting up this coverage and in addition Councillors wished to record thanks to all residents who had supported others.

b) ROWs: No further issues had been raised.

c) Deferred parish events: The Sutton Mandeville Fovant Fete AND the Horticultural Society Show had sadly been cancelled for this year.

Litter - picking: WC had provisionally postponed this event until September. Confirmation was awaited.

10. ASSET REGISTER AND RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY: Both documents, unchanged from last year, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

11. PLANNING: No further planning applications had been received.

12. CORRESPONDENCE: Councillors reminded residents that the Library consultation was open to all and could be found on the WC website as could all Covid and re opening updates.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.

14. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS: The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 16th November 2020 at 7.30 in the Church to include provisional setting of the precept for 2021 - 2022.


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