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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 26 April 2021


MINUTES : Sutton Mandeville Parish Council Meeting held Monday 26th April 2021 at 6pm by the Church

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green

Also in attendance Cllr. Mrs J. Green WC. Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

1. APOLOGIES: were received from Cllr. Mrs. K. Billings and Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: No concerns had been raised with Councillors or the Clerk.


27th July 2020, 16th November 2020, 15th February 2021:

These were signed by the Chairman.

5. MATTERS ARISING: The Returning Officer had informed the Clerk that too few valid nominations had been received for the election of a Parish Council in Sutton Mandeville on 6th May. The election would be rerun within 35 days of that date. It was hoped more residents would consider offering to join the Parish Council - just 4 meetings a year but the possibility of enhancing the local area and securing the services needed to maintain this very pleasant parish.

6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Mrs. Green reported that the year had been dominated by Covid and that like many, she feared its implications for the future. She believed that Wiltshire Council had performed well during the pandemic.

The needs of the ageing community and of children with special needs remained prominent priorities.

Attention was focused on carbon reduction with a target of carbon neutral by 2050.

Cllr. Mrs Green noted that the new planning portal was difficult to use and she regretted the lack of any reference to historical information relating to planning applications.

Cllr. Mrs. Green added that she had served as a Wiltshire Councillor for 26 years and had enjoyed representing the local community and being a local voice.

On behalf of residents and Councillors the Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Green for her service to Sutton Mandeville Parish Council during these many years, her attendance at many meetings, her wisdom and knowledge, her prompt responses to queries and her support of various projects. He believed she had added gravitas to the deliberations and particular concerns of the Council. Residents had been fortunate to have a serving Wiltshire Councillor within the parish.

7. FINANCE: a) 5 cheques were totalling £483.38 were signed.

b) Expenditure remained in line with budget expectations but there had been no maintenance work to fingerpost or notice boards

c) The Annual Statement of Governance, the Annual Return and the Certificate of Exemption were completed and signed.

d) Councillors asked that thanks be recorded to Mrs.Anna Huke for completing the internal audit of accounts.


a) ROWs: Notification had been given of confirmation of change to the definitive map linking SMAN21 and SMAN22. Councillors again expressed thanks to the landowner and to WC and reiterated their appreciation of all projects improving footpaths.

b) The Parish Steward: The Clerk would report any work of which she was advised to the Parish Steward

c) New road signage indicating narrow road with passing places and road unsuitable for HGVs had been put in place at the bottom of Sutton Row and at the junction of Lagpond Lane with Sutton Hill had been put in place. New posts had also been provided.

9 . PARISH WEBSITE: Nothing to add.

10. PLANNING: Planning application 21/01484/FUL at Owlsmead, Sutton Mandeville, was under consideration.

11. CORRESPONDENCE: Notification of rerun of election for Sutton Mandeville Parish Council awaited.

12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The Chairman thanked all Councillors and residents for their work in support of the Parish Council.

13. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: It was hoped that the Annual Meeting would take place following the election of a new parish council.


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