MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held on 24th February 2020 in Sutton Mandeville Parish Church at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. K. Billing
2 residents were also present
The Chairman welcomed all present.
1. APOLOGIES: Cllr. Mrs P. Thatcher. Cllr. Mrs. J. Green, WC, had sent her apologies as well as her report which would be displayed with these minutes.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: The Clerk reported concerns expressed by residents, including those present at the meeting, about SMAN 34 where location on the ground differed from that shown on the definitive map. A further concern was expressed about its eastern entry/exit point which was extremely boggy and difficult for pedestrians. The Chairman noted the excessive rainfall of recent months and asked the Clerk to seek advice from the ROW Officer most especially since local residents had offered to construct some form of bridging arrangement at their own expense but were concerned about the legality of such action.
A further concern was raised about a possible recognised link between SMAN 21 and 22 without the need for walkers to drop down to the C54. Councillors recalled that this had emerged as a discussion point during a planning application meeting in 2018 and again asked the Clerk to write to the ROW Officer seeking clarification on access to this historic walking route.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 25th November 2019: These were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
Defibrillators: The Chairman noted that the Dorset Motor Cycle group who visited the parish about three times a year had offered a donation of £500 towards the purchase and installation of a defibrillator at the Compasses. The Chairman felt that this was a generous offer but reiterated the previous decision of the Parish Council that Councillors themselves were not in a position to fund raise themselves but would support any residents prepared to take on this task. He felt that this was a kind offer and asked any resident who felt able to lead on this project to contact the Clerk.
The Chairman noted that the noticeboard in Chicksgrove required attention to prevent damp penetrating. Councillors approved expenditure of up to £150 for this work and for fixing the locking of the notice board at the Compasses.
6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Mrs. Green's report would be recorded as Appendix 1. Councillors noted that at a meeting of the full Council a rise of 3.9% in Council Tax was being proposed.
CATG: The horse warning signs on the A30 agreed by CATG were now in place. As the invoice was less than the estimate it was agreed that £15 should be returned to Swallowcliffe Parish Council for whose support Councillors were grateful.
7. FINANCE: a) 5 cheques totalling £267.25 were signed.
b) Expenditure remained in line with budget.
a) Highway matters: Wessex Water had completed installations on Sutton Row. Recent rainstorms had led to some potholing. Councillors urged residents to report these on the Wiltshire app.
Further potholes were reported on Sutton Hill between Townsend Wood and School House where it was believed resurfacing was required. Again, residents should report these on the Wiltshire app.
Flooding on the C54 from Ham Cross to Chicksgrove, including blocked grips and gullies was leading to increased road surface damage. Councillors reiterated the message from Wiltshire Council that all such defects must be reported on the Wiltshire app or WC website.
The Parish Council was doing likewise.
b) ROW's: Cllr. Mrs.Thatcher had contacted landowners about fallen trees on local ROWs.
BR20 had been cleared by the landowner who was thanked by Councillors.
The Chairman expressed some concern about flaking paint on the 3 - armed fingerpost at Chilmark corner. It was agreed that an estimate should be obtained for possible repair work required.
c) Litter picking: Cllr. Firth expressed thanks to the unknown driver who had stopped to clear litter from the bottom of Glasses Lane.
The Parish Council was supporting Wiltshire Council's Great British Spring Clean litter picking event between 22nd March and 23rd April. Collectors were required to take the litter home and to sort into the relevant bins. There was no litter collection point. Cllr. Billing expressed the thanks of the Parish Council to all residents who collected litter on a regular basis. She had a plentiful supply of bags, a hoop, a brush, some gloves and some long handled litter pickers. The Chairman liked the idea of zones within the parish where residents could collect litter from areas nearest their homes. For example, 3 volunteers might agree to cover Sutton Row.
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs. Billing for her work.
9. PLANNING: No planning applications had been received.
10. CORRESPONDENCE: Councillors had received and would respond to the survey accompanying Spatial Planning Policy: Green Infrastructure and Open Spaces. All residents were invited to respond and the survey would be found online at: SpatialPlanningPolicy@wiltshire.gov.uk
11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: SMHT: Cllr Firth reminded Councillors that restoration of the badges on Sutton Down had been a huge effort but required maintenance. He hoped for a good turnout, at forthcoming working picnics on Sunday 19th April and Sunday 26th April. HE HOPED THIS WOULD BE A CALL TO ALL MEMBERS. The work would be light, mainly weeding with some restoration of the chalk. A limited number of hand tools would be available. A shift of even one hour would be valuable. For further information contact: info@suttonbadges.org.uk
12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS: The meeting closed at 9.05pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting would take place on Monday April 27th 2020 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville and likewise the Annual Parish Council Meeting on Monday 11th May. All would be welcome.