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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 13 Feb 2023

Updated: Feb 27, 2023



including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove

DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting held on 13th February 2023 at 7.30pm at The Stalls, Manor Farm - subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins Chair, Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck Vice-Chair, Cllr. Mrs. C. Cartwright, Cllr. M.Charlick, Cllr. N. Najjar WC, Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

1. APOLOGIES: had been received from Cllr. M. Howe

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.


Cllr. Cartwright reported concerns from some residents in Sutton Row about the lack of indicated passing places and the consequent use of the entrance of private drives for this purpose. This would be taken under agenda item 9c.

Concern had been expressed by a resident about a footbridge on SM27 slippery in wet conditions. The landowner would be informed.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 21st November 2022: These were signed as a true record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: The matter of whether or not planning permission had been required for an area of hardstanding had been resolved by the Planning Enforcement Officer. The matter was now closed and the Chairman again thanked Cllr. Najjar, WC for his assistance.

6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Najjar noted the Station Yard, Tisbury Appeal to be heard beginning on 21st February. He was aware that one of the main concerns of the satellite parishes related to potential increased traffic flow. This had not been listed as a reason for refusal of the original application because no work had been completed to prove the case.

Cllr. Najjar highlighted Area Board support for local parishes and regretted that there had been no allocation of funds to Sutton Mandeville. He appreciated that with only assets of 3 notice boards and the requirement to maintain finger posts it was difficult for the Parish Council to make a case for grants.

WC’S budget for 2023 – 2024, awaiting final approval, had been set at £465m, up from £418m for the current financial year. Adult and child social care posed large demands. There would be an increase in spending on Highways. Council Tax was projected to rise by 2.99% to which would be added the 2% Adult and Social Care levy set by Central Government. The grant from Central Government to local authorities had increased and whilst WC had a lower shortfall in funding than neighbouring areas and had incurred a lower overspend there would be a requirement to make some use of reserves.


The next meeting of the Area Board would take place in March. LHFIG would meet on 22nd February. There had been no meeting of the Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group (LFHIG). HGV signage was still awaited.


  • Three cheques were signed totalling £242.62

  • Expenditure for the year 2022 - 2023 had remained in line with budget expectations.


  • Rights of Way (ROW): Pedestrian gates awaited fitting. Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright informed the meeting that because of gates now fitted by landowners it would now be possible for the two spare gates to be used on SM1. Councillors thanked Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright for her work and those landowners who had helped to improve accessibility by work on ROWs traversing their land.

  • Finger Posts: Repairs to the Ham Cross finger post were in hand and ongoing.

  • Sutton Row /Lagpond Lane: Residents had voiced concerns about these narrow, often steep banked and undulating, single tracked roads marked with signage which indicated passing places. Residents noted that there were no dedicated or signed passing places which resulted in the use of private drives for this purpose. Cllr. Najjar, WC, agreed to follow up with Highways to ascertain what could be possible though he understood that topography made the situation difficult.

  • All Saints Community Group: Cllr. Mrs. Clutterbuck reported that the first Family Friendly Service would be taking place on Sunday. She added that the Carol Singing Event had been a great success and that some monies had been raised.

10. PARISH WEBSITE: Cllr Charlick reported that the website now had 48 subscribers. It was agreed that the website was both attractive and informative and Councillors urged as many residents as possible to subscribe.


  • Tisbury Station Yard Works: the Appeal Inquiry was due to begin next week. Details had been placed on notice boards.

  • The Homestead: both site and planning meetings would be held to discuss the application. It was understood that the route of a public right of way would be included.

12. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no additional correspondence.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.


The Annual Parish Meeting was scheduled for 27th March at The Stalls.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was scheduled for 22nd May in the Church.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm



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