MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held on 11th May 2020 by phone and e mail - subject to later approval by Councillors
PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. K. Billing, Cllr. Mrs P. Thatcher
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk
1. APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: No matters had been raised.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 24th February 2020: These had been circulated and were agreed to be an accurate record. They would be signed at a later date.
5. MATTERS ARISING: Repairs to the notice board at Chicksgrove would be carried out when conditions permitted.
The Clerk had contacted the ROW Officer re SMAN34, 21 and 22. As yet no reply had been received. The Clerk reported that she had been informed by a resident that the entrance to SMAN34 had been attended to. Councillors wished to thank those concerned.
These would remain as allocated last year.
Cllr. Collins - Chair and Planning
Cllr. Firth - Vice Chair and Financial Oversight
Cllr. Green - Parish Website, Highways
Cllr. Thatcher - ROW
Cllr. Billing - Litter Pick, Highways, Administrative Oversight
7. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Mrs. Green had not sent a report but was aware of all the updates on COVID19 being provided by WC. Councillors thanked Cllr. T. Green for updating the parish website to provide the necessary links with all updates.
CATG: Meeting scheduled for May postponed to free Officer time to implement changes required by the Government's shared roads initiative to allow for safer use by cyclists and pedestrians and to cut use of public transport during the present pandemic.
8. FINANCE: a) Arrangements were made for 4 cheques totalling £465.15 to be signed.
b) It was agreed that the Chairman would sign the Annual Statement of Governance which had been previously circulated.
c) The Chairman agreed to sign the Certificate of Exemption exempting the Parish Council from an external check of the Annual Return. All the requirements of the Transparency Code would be met.
a) Fovant Community Support Group: Councillors thanked the group for their ongoing support of the whole parish during the current pandemic
b) ROWs: No further issues had been raised.
c) Deferred parish events: Cllr. Firth had invited residents to take part in the weeding of the Sutton Badges, appropriately distanced and on occasions which were convenient. The pandemic had meant cancellation of the working picnics scheduled.
Litter - picking: WC had provisionally postponed this event until September. Confirmation was awaited.
10. PLANNING: There had been no objection to Planning Application 20/02651/FUL.
11. CORRESPONDENCE: Councillors reminded residents of advice available and daily updates on the WC website to which there was a link on the Parish Council website
12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.
13. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS: The meeting closed at 7.00pm.
A date would be arranged for the next meeting of the Parish Council.