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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 29 Jan 2019


MINUTES of a Meeting of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council held on 21st January 2019 in Sutton Mandeville Parish Church at 7.30pm - subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins, Cllr. A. Firth, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. Mrs K. Billing, Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr. Mrs.J. Green, WC, Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

2 residents were present.


2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: Cllr. Mrs. Thatcher declared an interest in agenda item 6

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: The need for a repair to a stile near Angel Farm land had been reported.

There had been a request for kissing gates to be fitted along SM 9. The Clerk reported that a previous request had been forwarded to both the ROW Officer and to the Community Area Manager who had reported that it would be permissible to apply for an Area Board Award to assist with costs. Cllr. Mrs Green added that kissing gates should be access friendly for all users.

The proposed Three Towers Fete was noted. Details of a meeting on the 30th January had been circulated via a leaflet in Three Towers. The Chairman emphasised the gratitude of Councillors to all those who delivered this magazine to all residents.

4.MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 19th November 2018: These were agreed and signed as an accurate record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: The notice board at Sutton Hill was declared sound as were all finger posts with the exception of that at Ham Cross which showed signs of flaking paint. This would be reviewed in August. The notice board at Chicksgrove had let in water and that at the Compasses had a defective lock. Both would be repaired when the weather improved.

6.WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Mrs. Green informed the meeting that a copy of her report would be published in Three Towers. She confirmed that parking in Salisbury would remain free after 3pm until after Easter. She noted that a mud scraper had been used to clean Glasses Lane.

Cllr. Mrs. Green further noted the £7m Government grant for highways and asked that requests for white lining and other repairs be sent to her. Rapid scrutiny of a trial of a filler from plastic waste to fill potholes would take place. Cllr. Mrs. Green warned that black plastic should never be put in the blue bin.

She informed the meeting of the start of a review of polling districts and places on which comments were invited.

£12m would be spent on replacing older lights across the county with dimmable LEDs over a period of 2 years dependent upon Full Council approval.

Smoking had been banned in and outside all WC property.

The Area Board meeting to take place on 30th January would focus on improving environmentally friendly and sustainable communities.

Salisbury was still suffering from a 12% reduction in footfall in the wake of Novichok. 63 businesses had received business rate relief.

WC s budget was in the process of being set. There had been a further reduction in the grant received from Central Government.

Stephen Harris Community Area Manager would be leaving his post at the end of January.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs. Green for her report.

CATG: Councillors discussed the matter of horse warning signs on the A30 at Buxbury Hollow. A contribution of £375 from the Parish Council would be required to match CATG funding. Doubts were expressed that the sign would slow traffic.

The Chairman queried how many residents would benefit in comparison with a similar contribution to other projects, for example installation of kissing gates on local footpaths.

The Clerk was asked to investigate whether private funding could be used to fund the Parish Council's contribution with the remaining 50% met by CATG.

Councillors further suggested that a permanent 50mph speed limit within that busy commercial area of the A30 might be more effective. Councillors declined to provide funding for the signs at present. Cllr. Mrs. Thatcher agreed to look into alternative funding.

7. FINANCE: a) 4 cheques were signed totalling £210.50

b) expenditure was in line with budget agreed. Councillors again looked in detail at likely total expenditure for current financial year, sums held in reserve for specific expenditure and projected surplus at the end of the current financial year.

c) A precept of £1600 was agreed to allow funding of new projects and to accrue a sum for the payment of any future Clerk in accordance with NALC terms and conditions.


a) Highway matters: A list of road improvements and repairs would be sent to Cllr. Mrs. Green WC.

b) ROW's: The fallen branch across a bridleway in Fovant had been removed. The request for 4 kissing gates along SM9 would be pursued.

9. PLANNING: A planning meeting had been held to discuss application 18/11266/FUL at Bonds, Rectory Road. A site meeting would be held tomorrow at the former granary opposite Bailey Hill Farm, Sutton Row, 18/11985FUL, planning meeting to follow.

10. CORRESPONDENCE: No additional correspondence was discussed at this meeting.

11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: No further business was discussed.

12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The meeting closed at 9.05pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting would take place on Monday April 29th 2019 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville and the Annual Parish Council Meeting would follow 2 weeks later on 13th May 2019.



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