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Minutes - Annual Parish Meeting - 9 Aug 2021





Cllr. H. Collins Chairman, Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck , Cllr. M. Howes

Cllr. N. Najjar, WC

Mrs. Jane Childs, Parish Clerk

8 residents were also present

The Chairman welcomed all who had attended and introduced the newly elected Parish Councillors.

1) APOLOGIES: Sir Jack and Lady Deverell had sent their apologies

2) MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD 29 04 2019: These had been accepted as a true record and signed.

3) TO HEAR ANY MATTERS AND CONCERNS RAISED BY RESIDENTS: Speed and size of vehicles through narrow country lanes, including the possible impact of the proposed new development in Tisbury and communication within the parish were highlighted. These would be discussed later in the meeting.

A resident had contacted the Clerk to ask the Parish Council to request all landowners to keep the sides of footpaths and bridleways traversing their land clear. The Parish Council is grateful for all that landowners do to keep ROWs accessible and passable.


Cllr. Nabil Najjar Wiltshire Councillor: thanked all electors who had turned out to vote in May and noted that Fovant and Chalke Valley had recorded one of the highest turnouts in Wiltshire. He had been pleased to inherit the work of Mrs. Jose Green who he thanked for her service as a Wiltshire Councillor for 26 years. There was a new Leader of the Council and the primary focus for the Council was economic development and urban regeneration. As portfolio holder for Arts, Heritage, Leisure and Tourism he believed these had much to contribute.

Cllr. Najjar then invited questions. One resident enquired about road safety for all road users and highlighted the dangerous bend at the junction of the C24 with Sutton Row where visibility was poor and vehicles drove towards the centre of the road. Cllr. Najjar commented that roads and traffic were common problems across the 16 parishes within his division. He added that the proposed development at Station Yard, Tisbury would result in more traffic on country lanes across several parishes and Sutton Mandeville was one of these. He assured the meeting that the decision would be taken not by delegated powers but by Southern Area Planning Committee or by Strategic Planning. Traffic mitigation measures would be a consideration and he urged those parishes likely to be affected to work together to assess the risks and what can realistically be expected. The site had been identified for development in Tisbury Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan.

Parish Clerk: The Parish Council had continued its work during the pandemic. Meetings had taken place via phone and email. Concerns had been addressed including Unsuitable for HGV signage at Lagpond Lane and Sutton Row and similarly at Panters and the junction of the C24 with the road to Fovant, warning of the low bridge and so preventing the need for large vehicles having to reverse and blocking traffic. Thanks were extended to all who had provided support during the pandemic and to all who had continued to pick up litter from verges. Sutton Mandeville remained a pleasant parish with many footpaths much walked.

Concerns going forward included safety for all road users on Chicksgrove Road referred to above, repair of the notice board at Chicksgrove, ongoing maintenance of fingerposts and improved communication of parish business.

Expenditure had been in line with budget and finances remained healthy with £2708.50 allocated to reserves from a total of £4825.56 held in the bank.

Horticultural Society and Fete: The Show had been abandoned this year because of uncertainties caused by the epidemic. The Horticultural Society would meet in October to plan ahead for next year. There was a new Secretary from Fovant. Mr. David Willis regretted that participation in the Show and other activities organised by the Society had declined.

In addition to his report Mr. David Willis felt that there was a lack of group focus in Sutton Mandeville which he believed might be improved by better communication within the parish. The Chairman reminded the meeting that Sutton Mandeville next door was one established avenue of communication which met many needs. Cllr. Howes was happy to develop ways of improving communication of Parish Council business through the Parish Council website.

Walter Allotments and Cemetery: Sir Jack Deverell had sent a written report available at Appendix1.

Allotments had remained open during the pandemic with minimal restrictions. Full occupancy continued with plot holders from Sutton, Fovant, Compton Chamberlayne and Tisbury. The bank balance had remained in credit.

All those present commented on the further improved appearance of the Cemetery and sincere thanks were offered to all who were responsible.

Parochial Church Council: Lady Jane Deverell had sent a written report available at Appendix2.

The electoral role stood at 21. The Church had remained closed, as required by the Government, during the pandemic but weekly services had been streamed online and special services had been held as required. Event fund raising had ceased during the pandemic but the Lottery had continued and had raised £994. Some financial gifts had been received. There had been no further discussion of the future of the Church during the pandemic. Cleaning of the Church and maintenance of the Churchyard had continued.

Actual services had now been restored - Evensong on the first Sunday of the month and Parish Communion on the second

Sutton Heritage Trust: Mr. Antony Firth noted that organised works on the maintenance of the badges had been curtailed during the pandemic. He thanked those who had individually chosen to spend time weeding the chalk badges and looked forward to the resumption of working party picnics. The Heritage Lottery money had now been spent and the Trust was now dependent upon subscriptions. One signage/ information board was ready for installation and a second was planned. Mr. Firth looked forward to speaking to the Western Front Association, guided walks and other activities. He hoped that the usual weeding, strimming and chalk cleaning would be able to take place before autumn.

The Chairman thanked all who had reported at the meeting; he was grateful for all who helped the community to thrive and added that the Parish Council was happy to support all such community activities.

5) ANY OTHER BUSINESS : The Chairman thanked the Parish Council for its work. Councillors were keen to improve footpaths wherever possible. Mr. Willis asked that residents and walkers observe the signage placed by Teffont Fishing Club and emphasised that there was no footpath along the river from Panters. The Chairman asked if there was any scope for a permissive path but Mr. Willis stated that the board bridge was rickety, unsafe and should not be used by members of the public.

A short Parish Council Meeting would follow and the meeting closed at 8.40pm.


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