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Minutes - Annual Parish Meeting - 29 Apr 2019

Updated: Nov 23, 2021


MINUTES of SUTTON MANDEVILLE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING held on Monday 29th April 2019 in Sutton Mandeville Parish Church at 7.30pm

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins - Chairman, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. Mrs. P. Thatcher, Cllr. Mrs. K. Billing

In attendance: Mrs. J. Childs (Clerk)

5 residents were also present.

The Chairman welcomed all who were present

1. APOLOGIES: Cllr. A. Firth, Cllr. Mrs J. Green WC, Mr. D. Willis

2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of Monday 14th May 2018: These were approved and signed as a correct record.

3. MATTERS ARISING: There were no matters arising.


Wiltshire Councillor's Report:

Cllr. Mrs. Green's report was circulated among those present. A full copy would appear on the parish website and in Three Towers.

Parish Clerk:

All present asked that thanks be recorded for the huge amount of work carried out by volunteers in fitting kissing gates to two footpaths, namely SM 9 and SM 5.

Horticultural Society Report:

Cllr. Mrs. Billing reported that the Show held in 2018 had been a success with more than 120 entries. A small profit had been made largely through the sale of plants.

Affiliation with the RHS had ended and this resulted in a saving of £100 - £150 a year and meant that judging could be less strict.

The 2019 Show would be held on 24th August.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Billing for her report.

Walter Allotment Trust and Cemetery Reports: (see Appendix 3)

It was reported that 10 out of 12 Allotments under cultivation. Water usage had been higher than usual during the dry summer. Income had not fully met expenditure and thus there would be a rent review in 2020.

The Cemetery was under control, mowed regularly by a volunteer and the beech hedge had survived the winter. The reserved funding held by the Parish Council had thus not been required.

The Chairman thanked General Sir Jack Deverell for his reports and all those who worked to maintain both the Allotments and the Cemetery.

The Parochial Church Council:

The written report stated that Services were held on three Sundays out of four.

Work had been completed on the roof, tower and drains and on the apron on the north side of the Church paid for by the PCC, and the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust. It was believed the Church was in good condition.

The Churchyard grass has been allowed to grow in the absence of voluntary regular mowing.

Fund raising continued.

There was a warning that the Church needed local support, financial and practical and through attendance at services to build on the efforts of all those who had given so much and to prevent ultimate decline.

The Chairman thanked Lady Deverell for her report.

Neighbourhood Watch and CSP:

Incidents of crime remained low throughout the year with just two incidents requiring Police action. All incidents of crime should be reported to the Police via 101 to enable them to build intelligence. Police priorities were hare coursing and burglary and there were evening and night patrols operating to prevent this.

If residents spotted vehicles driving round fields they should contact the Police with the vehicle registration, make and colour if possible.

All should be aware of cyber crime and be willing to ask for help if doubtful: or call 0300 123 2040

Thatching remained a higher fire risk.

Help was available from the British Heart Foundation towards the purchase of a defibrillator. Rapid availability was a problem in such a widespread village as Sutton Mandeville. The Compasses Inn seemed the only possible location for storage. Discussion with the owner would be required.

Policing Team contacts would be listed on notice boards.

The Chairman expressed thanks to David Childs for his report.

Sutton Heritage Trust:

Cllr. T. Green was pleased to report the successful restoration of the 7th City of London Regiment's Badge achieved with the help of a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant of £35000.

Working picnics had continued throughout the year to maintain the Royal Warwickshire Badge. These were open to all and would continue.

An Open Day would be held on June 23rd with details to follow also available on the website

A concert had been held in Dinton Village Hall in November commemorating the Armistice and the completion of restoration of the Sutton Badges.

Cllr. Green concluded by saying the Trust would welcome new members.

All present praised the work of the whole group.


Three Towers Fete: Progress on plans was reported in Three Towers. Plans were well advanced. The Fete would be inclusive focusing on three parishes with an expected attendance of about 700 people of all ages and with provision for parking for 450 cars. The aim was for fun, to provide an opportunity for the local villages to come together. A small cash surplus was expected which would be rolled over for a future event. £5000 sponsorship from the local area was required.

The Committee would like the support of all three Parish Councils to assist in requesting a grant from the Area Board. There was also an invitation to the parish to offer a stall.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Paul Cordle and stated that the matter would be discussed at the Parish Council meeting on 13th May.

Village Improvements: Throughout the year there had been requests for some items, for example a fourth notice board, an additional traffic sign, kissing gates on footpaths. These could only be achieved with additional funding from the precept and should be for the benefit of many. The Chairman welcomed responses to such suggestions.

Ways to advance both Communication and arrangements to assist Litter Picking would be discussed at the Parish Council meeting on 13th May, rescheduled for 16th May 2019


The Chairman thanked all for joining in discussion.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm


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