Attendance: Cllr. H. Collins, Chair. Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck, Vice Chair, Cllr. M. Howes, Cllr. M. Charlick, Cllr. Mrs J. Green
Mrs. Jane Childs, Parish Clerk
8 residents were also present
The Chair welcomed all who had attended.
1) APOLOGIES: Mr David Willis had sent apologies
2) MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD 27 03 2023: These had been accepted as a true record and signed.
3) TO HEAR ANY MATTERS AND CONCERNS RAISED BY RESIDENTS: Some anger was expressed about the condition of local roads and their poor maintenance. The growth of grass on the road surface in Glasses Lane was cited as were numerous potholes and some blocked drains.
Particular concern was expressed about the work of the Parish Steward. The Clerk explained that his tasks were limited and reminded those present that what he was able to tackle was listed on noticeboards and on the parish website. The Clerk explained the system of requesting tasks on the Issue Sheet, submission to Southern Highways and their detailing to the Parish Steward. The Clerk was asked if the work of Parish Stewards was monitored and inspected, particularly the filling of potholes where the tarmac used was often washed out. Councillors asked the Clerk to write to the Wiltshire Councillor and to Southern Highways to request answers to these concerns.
The Chair and Vice Chair reminded all present that the My Wilts app was the best way to directly report work needed, open to all residents. It was not necessary to report through the Parish Council.
Wiltshire Councillor: There was no report
Parish Clerk: The Parish Council had enjoyed another busy year and again Councillors had given time to consideration of planning applications, noting that within our parish where roads were narrow it was important to keep local residents informed of large deliveries which could impede the flow of traffic or works on sloping sites which could cause deposits of mud and debris.
Requests by the Parish Council for work on our local roads were constant. Of current concern were two bank slips, one with a telegraph pole atop on the C24 and the broken gutter on the railway bridge close to Panters and the very uneven road surface beneath.
The "Unsuitable for HGV" signage was now in place.
Rights of Way had continued to be a priority. Five Pedestrian Gates had been installed with volunteers welcomed and assisted by Cllr Mrs Clutterbuck. The Chairman and Mrs Clutterbuck had organised a volunteer working party to clear vegetation and overhanging branches from SMAN 17.
Maintenance of finger posts and notice boards remained a priority.
A highlight of the year had been the Coronation picnic so wonderfully organised by Mrs Lara Colenso and the All Saints Community Group. The Platinum Jubilee Tree has been replaced by a more mature tree.
Not only are we fortunate to live in such a pretty and uncluttered part of the countryside we are also fortunate in having so many residents who are willing to contribute to its preservation and upkeep. Thank you to all and to Councillors who work hard, as volunteers also, to attend to so many issues.
Horticultural Society: Mrs. Lynne Gailey reported on the Summer Show held on 9th September 2023 which had been well attended and much enjoyed by 65 adults as well as by children and organisers. Entries by children had increased as had the number of entries in the floral section.
It was hoped that the number entering for the fruits, vegetables and craft sections would increase in future years. As a result of the Show a worthy £72 had been donated to the Salisbury Foodbank.
The renamed Nadder Valley Flower and Produce Show would be held on Saturday 31st August at 3pm in Fovant Village Hall. It was hoped there would be an increased number of entries from Fovant, Lower Chicksgrove and from Sutton Mandeville. To that end a representative from Fovant would assist in organising the event, the entry process would be simplified and would include a raffle in aid of Salisbury Hospice. There would be no charge to enter to view the Show but there would be a charge for cream teas, squash, biscuits and cake.
In conclusion Lynne thanked Cllr. Charlick for his invaluable help and advice in designing and producing publicity and advertising the Show.
The Chairman thanked Lynne for her report and her work in organising this enjoyable event which played a valuable part in uniting our local community.
Walter Allotments and Cemetery: Full report available at Appendix 1: Sir Jack Deverell reported 95% occupancy of plots with a half plot available. Rent remained at £30 per whole plot. There had been a very small deficit in the year 2023 – 2024 and the allotments remained viable.
The Cemetery remained in good order with a well maintained beech hedge thanks to the work of Sir Jack and Mr. John Gailey.
The wildlife woodland area had presented some problems as the terms of the insurance policy required the felling of rotten trees. Sir Jack was pleased to report that as a result of the generosity of the residents of Sutton Mandeville a sum of £ 3000 had been raised for the felling of some ash trees on Sutton Hill which threatened Sutton Hill. Some felled wood had been sold to a furniture maker for the sum of £200.
Sir Jack looked forward to ongoing conversations with the AONB about the management of the woodland in the future. The Parish Council was being fully informed and the Chairman thanked Sir Jack for his report and for what he hoped might prove an exciting project.
Parochial Church Council: Full report available at Appendix 2: In her written report Lady Jane Deverell reported steady but smallish congregations for services. Halfway through the year Parish Communion had been replaced by Morning Prayer in the hope that the shorter service would increase the size of the congregation. Parish Communion should be held 4 times each year. Evensong was no longer taking place. Baptisms and funerals had been held. There were 30 names on the Electoral Roll.
Team Rector Graham Southgate took his last service at All Saints on Christmas Eve. The parish had been fortunate to have his care and he would be missed. Revd. Elaine Brightwell was now overseeing services.
Lady Jane thanked all PCC members and all those who assisted in the running of the Church . She also thanked Cllr K Clutterbuck for running the monthly lottery.
No decision had yet been taken about the future of the Church. It was apparent that most were in favour of the Church remaining open.
The Chairman thanked Lady Jane Deverell for the report.
Sutton Heritage Trust: Mr. John Gailey reported that following the successful restoration of the two badges their maintenance had suffered since Covid.
Working parties had tackled weeding in 2023 and now in 2024 the aim was to restore whiteness. The first of 4 planned of working picnics would be held on 12th of May. All volunteers would be welcome to enjoy the work, the good views and a sense of achievement.
Later in the season Mr. Antony Firth would be leading a walk to the Badges and giving a talk setting the Badges within their historical context and their part in local history.
Financially the Trust was in good shape.
5) ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The Clerk noted the poor condition of the noticeboard at the Compasses. The Chairman asked those present whether they liked the presence of noticeboards in the parish. There was a clear majority in favour of retaining them. Repair would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.
There was no further business for the Parish Council.