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Planning Application - The Stables, Sutton Hill - Appeal Update

Parish Council Public Meeting (to consider Appeal):

Monday 12 June 2023 at 6.00pm

All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville

APPEAL: Inspectorate Ref: APP/Y3940/W/23/3314731

Case Officer: Kate Moody

Wiltshire Planning portal (link below) - Documents - [12 Jan 2023 - 15 May 2023]

Consultation deadline: 16 June 2023


Original application:

PL/2022/03875 - Full Planning Permission LAND ADJ TO THE STABLES, SUTTON HILL, SUTTON MANDEVILLE SP3 5ND Construction of four bedroom detached dwelling and car barn with associated vehicular access. Mr and Mrs Ben Allen

Case Officer: Becky Jones 28-06-2022

The plans may be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website.


Parish Council Public Meeting - Held Monday 27 June 2022 at 6.00pm

All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville


Stance : Object


Following the public council meeting on Monday 27th June 2022 at 6pm, the Parish Council came to the following conclusion regarding the application for a new house to be built on land next door to “The Stables” on Sutton Hill:

The PC decided to OBJECT to the application on the grounds that-

- It would constitute a new development on an entirely greenfield site in an AONB.

- It would adversely affect the character of the local landscape and that of the surrounding AONB.

- It would set an undesirable precedent in the village for further development of greenfield sites that separate clusters of houses in the village.

- There is concern towards the potential damage to the local ecology.



Stance : Object

Comment: (Submitted to Planning Inspectorate by email as follows:)

Ref: APP/Y3940/W/23/3314731

Case officer: Kate Moody

The Sutton Mandeville Parish Council wish to register a STRONG OBJECTION to this appeal, following a public meeting (12 June 2023) with local residents, who expressed their views clearly that this development will irreversibly damage the protected landscape against the wishes of most residents.

To reiterate the parish council’s response to the original application:

- It would constitute a new development on an entirely greenfield site in an AONB.

- It would adversely affect the character of the local landscape and that of the surrounding AONB.

- It would set an undesirable precedent in the village for further development of greenfield sites that separate clusters of houses in the village.

- There is concern towards the potential damage to the local ecology.

Further comments in relation to this APPEAL (collation of residents’ views):

- There is a lack of new information available to challenge primary grounds for refusal listed in Decision Notice.

- The parish council is not persuaded by summary of appeal or (weak or irrelevant) challenges made by applicant.

- Application does not meet the needs of local residents.

- Applicant has no connection to village and does not represent the class of local ‘young person’ envisaged by the Core policies.

- Application seeks to destroy the environment for applicants own, not local interests, to build high end house.

- Plot has not been farmed in recent years at the choice of the land owner. - Mitigation of details of planning proposal (as mooted within appeal - building design features etc.) is not relevant to the core objection of building in an agricultural field within an AONB.

- The application requires acquisition of a part of the land of an adjoining property owner (without permission) in order to satisfy Highways requirements relating to splays – this is highly pertinent.

- The application /appeal would be detrimental to the area permanently changing the character from agricultural to domestic dwelling.

- Sutton Mandeville has a unique environment of small-field topography separating scattered and sparse dwellings with classic rural setting, which is important and every effort must be made for this to be preserved.

- This application would be highly damaging to this individual environment. - AONB is an area of conservation despite applicant’s comments to the contrary within this appeal.

- The Applicant(s) has no connection to the village of Sutton Mandeville and does not qualify for special attention under the core policies.

- The plot is not an appropriate site for this type of building.

- AONB criteria should take precedence in decision making.

- The Parish Council emphasises the need for preservation of environment which is of greater importance than an individual proposal, not just the landscape or ecology but taking account of the general rural character and the village as a whole and how residents feel about the place in which they live and likely detriment to the quality of life of long-time villagers and a change in attraction of the locality for visitors, if such applications are approved.

- In addition, the Parish Council fears setting a precedent for erosion of the unique environment that has existed historically in Sutton Mandeville.

On behalf of Sutton Mandeville Parish Council

16 June 2023


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